Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Weekly Update 10/28 – 11/3

 *Due to technical issues with our email system we are posting our weekly update on our blog. We apologize for any inconvenience*




-Attention Yu-Gi-Oh players! Buy 2 Ancient Prophecy boosters and get 1 FREE! Offer good while supplies last.  


    -Hey all Yu-Gi-Oh players! Saturday 31st, there will be a Stardust Overdrive Sneak Peek. Registration is $20, and will begin and 1PM. Details posted here:
Stardust Sneak Peek


    - On Halloween, October 31st, Wizards of the Coast will be hosting a Magic the Gathering Zendikar Game Day. Come in with your standard constructed deck and compete against the other great Magic players for the title of Zendikar Champion. More information can be found here: Zendikar Game Day Info


-On Saturday, November 7th, 2009, journey to the Forgotten Realms land of Narfell in "The Icy Queen's Crossing," a 4-hour exclusive adventure with ties to the Forgotten Realms novel The Fall of Highwatch. Bring your 1st-4th level Living Forgotten Realms character, create one at the event, or use one of our pre-generated characters! Game time starts at 1PM, and we are taking sign-ups for players and any volunteers who would like to DM.


    - Hey Heroes!! On Saturday, November 7th, and Saturday, November 14th, bring in your 500 point unrestricted band and battle against the best of the best. All heroes and Villains are welcome. Games start at 10:30 AM.


-It's that time again! MACE, the best and largest gaming con in the Carolinas, invites you to come out and play games to your heart's content. It will be held the weekend of November 6th through the 8th at Best Western in High Point.  Pre-registration is $25, and starts October 1st. More information can be found at www.justusproductions.com . Come join the fun and game till your behind goes numb.


-Game Room calendar posted on www.allfunngames.com 




 -Wed:     Open Play 10AM – 7PM

                Warhammer Fantasy Open Play

MTG Zendikar League Day, 4PM

                MTG Booster Draft, (M10) 6:30PM, $16


-Thu:       Home Schoolers' Game Day, 1-4PM *Earn rewards*

Board Game Night, 6PM-12 Midnight *Earn rewards*

Warmachine/Hordes Open Play

Heroscape Open Play, 6:30-10PM

    Steve Jackson "Horror Game" Demos with MIB's John LaRoche, 6PM


-Fri:         MTG Zendikar League Day, 4PM

Official Friday Night Sealed (Zendikar), 6:30PM, $30


-Sat:        Pokémon League Play, 10AM

    MTG Zendikar Game Day, 12PM, $6

    Yu-Gi-Oh! Stardust Overdrive Sneak Peek, 1PM, $20

    MTG Zendikar League Day, 4PM

    MTG Booster Draft (Shards of Alara), 6:30PM, $16


-Sun:       Warmachine/Hordes Open Play

    Yu-Gi-Oh! Advanced Constructed, 1:30PM, $6


-Mon:      Warhammer 40,000 Open Play Night

Warhammer 40,000 1850 Set List League


-Tue:    Role-Play Night of All Types




Name: Mohammad Aamar

Email: m.aamar12@gmail.com

·         Looking to play or run a D&D 4th Ed game Monday through Thursday starting at 4pm.


Name: Brett West

Email: westb3@gmail.com

·         Looking to join a D&D 3.5 , Shadowrun, or any other exciting role-play game (other than 4th Edition).


Name: Robert J. Slattery

Email: kathagitek@hotmail.com

·         3.5 D&D game looking for one or two regular players to join an existing campaign currently at 6th level. We are also considering a new game.


Name: Mike P.

Email: mgpeoleye@gmail.com         

·         Looking for D&D 3.5 but would consider other versions. Would like to play weeknight- also like character development over hack-n-slash.


Name: Preston Jones

Email: pdawg517@yahoo.com

·         Looking for Warhammer 40K pick up games on Tuesday Night!




 *Board Games*


Mr. Jack in NY



*Card Games* 

Jambo Expansion 2

Munchkin Fairy Dust Deck


*Miniatures & Accessories*

    Assorted Reaper Legendary Encounters Miniatures



    White Dwarf November Issue #358




*Board Games*

Axis & Allies 1942



Dominion Intrigue

Dominion Seaside

Eurorails 4th Edition

Race for the Galaxy

Small World

Ticket to Ride


*Card Games*



Munchkin 2 Unnatural Axe

Munchkin 6 Demented Dungeons


Star Munchkin


*CCG/TCG & Accessories*

     Assorted 3x4 Top Loaders

    Assorted Deck Boxes


*Miniatures & Accessories*

    Assorted Citadel Paints and Brushes

    Assorted D&D Heroes Boosters

    Assorted Reaper Miniatures

    Assorted Translucent 16mm Dice Bricks    




*Roleplay & Accessories*

    Assorted Borealis 2 Polyhedral Dice Sets

    Assorted Gemini 4 Polyhedral Dice Sets

    Assorted Lustrous Polyhedral Dice Sets

    Assorted Opaque Polyhedral Dice Sets

Assorted Translucent Polyhedral Dice Sets

D&D Eberron Players Guide

D&D 4th Edition Starter Set

D&D Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide

D&D Monster Manual

GM Basic Flip Mat

Savage Worlds Explorers Edition



Yu-Gi-Oh! Stardust Overdrive Sneak Peek! 10/31/09

Yu-Gi-Oh! Stardust Overdrive Sneak Peek!

Date: Saturday 10/31/09

Time: 1:00PM

Seats: 48

This format is great for casual or newer players and is the default format for the Yu-Gi-Oh! Sneak Previews.
• $20.00 entry fee
• This is a participation only event. Match results will not be tracked or uploaded.
• Each player will receive five packs of Stardust Overdrive, which are used to build a 20 card deck. Cards not received in these packs can not be used in the deck.
• Once your deck is constructed find and play against five players.

Zendikar Game Day 10/31/09


Time: 12 Noon

Entry Fee: $6

Format: Standard Constructed. Deck lists are required, and need to be either typed or printed neatly. We will be reporting the top 8 deck lists to Wizards of the Coast, and they need be legible.

Tournament Length: Swiss rounds - 50 minutes per round. Numbers of Swiss rounds are based on attendance

Advancement: All players may participate in all Swiss rounds. The top 8 players after the Swiss rounds will advance to the single-elimination finals. In the case of an event with 16 players or less, the Swiss rounds will be followed by a cut to top 4. In the case of an event with exactly 8 players, there will be three Swiss rounds with no single-elimination cut

Top 8: Top 8 matches will be best 2 of 3. Where necessary, the standings after the Swiss rounds will be used to determine final order in the standings.

Prizes: All participants will receive a Nissa’s Chosen promo card exclusive to Magic Game Day (while supplies last). The Top 8 payers will each receive an Emeria Angel full-art promo card exclusive to Magic Game Day. Two Emeria Angel promo cards will also be awarded as door prizes at each location. The winner receives the Zendikar Game Day winners’ certificate, as well as the Zendikar Champion title.


24K, Competitive REL

All Universal Tournament Rules and Magic: The Gathering Floor Rules are in effect for this event unless specifically overruled by information in this Format Document.

Players must bring pen, paper, card sleeves and appropriate counters to the event.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Weekly Update 10/21 – 10/27

*Due to technical issues with our email system we are posting our weekly update on our blog. We apologize for any inconvenience*




-Attention Yu-Gi-Oh players! Buy 2 Ancient Prophecy boosters and get 1 FREE! Offer good while supplies last.  


      - Thursday Oct 29th, John LaRoche be at All Fun N Games in Apex, again with his Black Bag O Games to run Steve Jackson "Horror Game" Demo, including Munchkin Bites, Spooks, and much more. 


    -Hey all Yu-Gi-Oh players! Saturday 31st, there will be a Stardust Overdrive Sneak Peek. Registration is $20, and will begin and 1PM. Details posted here: Stardust Sneak Peek


    - On Halloween, October 31st, Wizards of the Coast will be hosting a Magic the Gathering Zendikar Game Day. Come in with your standard constructed deck and compete against the other great Magic players for the title of Zendiakr Champion. More information can be found here: Zendikar Game Day Info


-It's that time again! MACE, the best and largest gaming con in the Carolinas, invites you to come out and play games to your heart's content. It will be held the weekend of November 6th through the 8th at Best Western in High Point.  Pre-registration is $25, and starts October 1st. More information can be found at www.justusproductions.com . Come join the fun and game till your behind goes numb.


-Game Room calendar posted on www.allfunngames.com 




 -Wed:     Open Play 10AM – 7PM

                Warhammer Fantasy Open Play

MTG Zendikar League Day, 4PM

                MTG Booster Draft, (M10) 6:30PM, $16


-Thu:       Home Schoolers' Game Day, 1-4PM *Earn rewards*

Board Game Night, 6PM-12 Midnight *Earn rewards*

Warmachine/Hordes Open Play

Heroscape Open Play, 6:30-10PM

Z-Man Games "Endeavor" Demo, 7PM-11PM


-Fri:         MTG Zendikar League Day, 4PM

Official Friday Night MagicBooster Draft (Zendikar), 6:30PM, $16


-Sat:        Pokémon League Play, 10AM

    MTG 2HG Sealed Tournament, 12PM, $21 per person

    Star Wars Minis Open Play, 2PM

MTG Zendikar League Day, 4PM

    MTG Booster Draft (Shards of Alara), 6:30PM, $16


-Sun:       Warmachine/Hordes Open Play

    Pokemon Platinum Arceus Pre-Release, 10AM, $25

    Yu-Gi-Oh! Advanced Constructed, 1:30PM, $6


-Mon:      Warhammer 40,000 Open Play Night

Warhammer 40,000 1850 Set List League


-Tue:    Role-Play Night of All Types




Name: Mohammad Aamar

Email: m.aamar12@gmail.com

·         Looking to play or run a D&D 4th Ed game Monday through Thursday starting at 4pm.


Name: Brett West

Email: westb3@gmail.com

·         Looking to join a D&D 3.5 , Shadowrun, or any other exciting role-play game (other than 4th Edition).


Name: Robert J. Slattery

Email: kathagitek@hotmail.com

·         3.5 D&D game looking for one or two regular players to join an existing campaign currently at 6th level. We are also considering a new game.


Name: Mike P.

Email: mgpeoleye@gmail.com         

·         Looking for D&D 3.5 but would consider other versions. Would like to play weeknight- also like character development over hack-n-slash.


Name: Preston Jones

Email: pdawg517@yahoo.com

·         Looking for Warhammer 40K pick up games on Tuesday Night!




 *Board Games*

Carcassonne Wheel of Fortune

Click Clack 

Dominion Seaside Expansion


Giro d'Italia



*CCG/TCG & Accessories*

    MTG 2010 Style 1 9 Pocket Portfolio

    MTG 2010 Style 1 Deck Protectors 


*Card Games* 

Call of Cthulhu Living Card Game Memory of Day Asylum Pack

Giro d'Italia Card Game

Gloria Picktoria

Wool Rules


*Jigsaw Puzzles/Mindteasers*

    Assorted 300 Pc Ravensburger Puzzles

    Assorted 550pc to 1000pc Christmas Puzzles


*Miniatures & Accessories*

    Assorted Reaper Miniatures

    Star Wars Miniatures Galaxy at War Boosters

    WM Retribution of Scyrah Dawnguard Sentinel Officer & Standard Bearer

WM Retribution of Scyrah Mage Hunter Commander

WM Retribution of Scyrah Mage Hunter Strike Force

WM Retribution of Scyrah Nayl Character Solo


*Roleplay & Accessories*

           D&D Adventure Prince of Undeath

D&D Dungeon Tiles Sinister Woods




*Board Games*

Call of Cthulhu King in Yellow Expansion

Chaos in the Old World



RA Dice Game

Ticket to Ride


*Card Games*


Frog Juice

Ticket to Ride Card Game


 Zombie Fluxx


*CCG/TCG & Accessories*

     Assorted Deck Boxes



*Miniatures & Accessories*

Assorted Citadel Paints and Brushes

Assorted Privateer Press Bases

Assorted Warmachine Protectorate of Menoth Miniatures

D&D Dangerous Delves Boosters

    D&D Heroes Martial 3 Booster

    D&D Heroes Primal 1 Booster

    StarFleet Battles Advanced Missions


*Roleplay & Accessories*

    Call of Cthulhu 6th Edition

    Changling The Lost

    Dark Heresy Creature's Anathema

    Dark Heresy Inquisitor's Handbook

Geist Sin-Eaters

    Rogue Trader

    Scion Hero

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

MTG Grand Prix Tampa Trial 10/18/09


    Sunday, October 18th @ 1PM, Registration begins at Noon






The structure for Grand Prix trial tournaments will be modified-Swiss style, with a cut to top players playing in single elimination for prizes and byes based on attendance The correct number of Swiss rounds based on the number of players playing in your tournament:


8 Players: Limited - 3 Rounds, Single-elimination Booster Draft; Constructed - 3 Rounds, Single-elimination
9-16 Players: Limited - 4 Rounds, cut to Top 8 Booster Draft; Constructed - 4 Rounds, cut to Top 4
17-32 Players: 5 Rounds, cut to top 8 Single-Elimination
33-64 Players: 6 Rounds, cut to top 8 Single-Elimination
65-128 Players: 7 Rounds, cut to top 8 Single-Elimination
129-256 Players: 8 Rounds, cut to top 8 Single-Elimination



    Sealed Deck: Zendikar



Trial tournaments are open to all DCI members in good standing. If a player who already possesses a three-round bye finishes high enough to win another bye at a Grand Prix Trial, that bye will not be passed down to the next eligible player.



One third round bye at the associated Grand Prix tournament (unless otherwise noted).

Product prizes to be awarded by WOTC

Booster Prizes cannot be traded for store credit

Weekly Update 10/14 – 10/20

*Due to technical issues with our email system we are posting our weekly update on our blog. We apologize for any inconvenience*




-Attention Yu-Gi-Oh players! Buy 2 Ancient Prophecy boosters and get 1 FREE! Offer good while supplies last.  


 - Wizards of the Coast is running a Zendikar Full Box Promotion. Along with the 20% full box discount, you will receive an alternate-art foil "Day of Judgment" promo card, the perfect tool for all your creature destroying needs.  We are accepting pre-orders on the new Zendikar products (booster boxes, Intro Packs, and Fatpacks).  Please note that Fatpacks are limited print items, so come in and order your products today.   


      - Thursday Oct 29th, John LaRoche be at All Fun N Games in Apex, again with his Black Bag O Games to run Steve Jackson "Horror Game" Demo, including Munchkin Bites, Spooks, and much more. 


    -On Halloween, that's October 31st, We will be hosting a Warhammer 40,000 1000pt Tournament, that will start at 11am. Registration starts at 10AM, and we will go through army lists, start pairings, and walk through the scenarios. There will be 3 rounds, each running 2 hours. We will take a lunch break after the first round for 30 minutes. We have room for 16 players, and all fees go towards prizes. Fees are $3 for those who pre-register or $5 for signing up on the day of the event. There will be a painting contest, and the model must have been bought from All Fun & Games no later than August 1st. Any GW single model, size and type does not matter, is allowed.


-It's that time again! MACE, the best and largest gaming con in the Carolinas, invites you to come out and play games to your heart's content. It will be held the weekend of November 6th through the 8th at Best Western in High Point.  Pre-registration is $25, and starts October 1st. More information can be found at www.justusproductions.com . Come join the fun and game till your behind goes numb.

 -Game Room calendar posted on www.allfunngames.com 




 -Wed:     Open Play 10AM – 7PM

                Warhammer Fantasy Open Play

MTG Zendikar League Day, 4PM

                MTG Booster Draft, (M10) 6:30PM, $16


-Thu:       Home Schoolers' Game Day, 1-4PM *Earn rewards*

Board Game Night, 6PM-12 Midnight *Earn rewards*

Warmachine/Hordes Open Play

Heroscape Open Play, 6:30-10PM


-Fri:         MTG Zendikar League Day, 4PM

Official Friday Night Magic 2HG Sealed (Zendikar), 6:30PM, $21


-Sat:        Pokémon League Play, 10AM

Heroclix 500 Point Constructed Tournament, 10:30AM, Free

    National Heroscape Day "Cage Match", 12PM, Free

    MTG Standard Tournament, 12PM, $6

    Star Wars Minis 150pt Constructed Tournament, 2PM, Free

MTG Zendikar League Day, 4PM

    MTG Booster Draft (Shards of Alara), 6:30PM, $16


-Sun:       MTG Grand Prix Tampa Trial, 1PM, $25 (Registration starts @ Noon)

    Yu-Gi-Oh! Advanced Constructed, 1:30PM, $6


-Mon:      Warhammer 40,000 Open Play Night

Warhammer 40,000 1850 Set List League


-Tue:    Role-Play Night of All Types




Name: Mohammad Aamar

Email: m.aamar12@gmail.com

·         Looking to play or run a D&D 4th Ed game Monday through Thursday starting at 4pm.


Name: Brett West

Email: westb3@gmail.com

·         Looking to join a D&D 3.5 , Shadowrun, or any other exciting role-play game (other than 4th Edition).


Name: Robert J. Slattery

Email: kathagitek@hotmail.com

·         3.5 D&D game looking for one or two regular players to join an existing campaign currently at 6th level. We are also considering a new game.


Name: Mike P.

Email: mgpeoleye@gmail.com         

·         Looking for D&D 3.5 but would consider other versions. Would like to play weeknight- also like character development over hack-n-slash.


Name: Preston Jones

Email: pdawg517@yahoo.com

·         Looking for Warhammer 40K pick up games on Tuesday Night!




 *Board Games*

 Battlelore Heroes Expansion


*CCG/TCG & Accessories*

Pokémon Generic III Deck Protectors

Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D Ancient Prohecy Special Edition


*Card Games* 

Monopoly Card Game

Scrabble Slam


*Jigsaw Puzzles/Mindteasers*

    Rubiks 360


*Miniatures & Accessories*

               Arcane Legions 2 Player Starter Sets

    Arcane Legions Assorted Infantry/Cavalry Boosters

    Assorted Reaper Miniatures

    Monsterpocalypse Now Series 4 Starters

Monsterpocalypse Now Series 4 Unit and Monster Boosters

WM Retribution of Scyrah Arcanist Solo

WM Retribution of Scyrah Dawnguard Invictor Officer and Standard

WM Retribution of Scyrah Ghost Sniper Solo

WM Retribution of Scyrah House Shyeel Magister Solo

WM Retribution of Scyrah Soulless Escort

WM Retribution of Scyrah Warcaster Garryth, Blade of Retribution


*Roleplay & Accessories*

           Warhammer 40,000 Rogue Trader




*Board Games*


Carcassonne Inns & Cathedrals

Carcasonne Traders & Builders


Dominion Intrigue



Pandemic On the Brink Expansion

Race for the Galaxy

Settlers of Catan

Settlers of Catan 5-6 Player Expansion

Scrabble Upwords

Small World     

Ticket to Ride

Ticket to Ride Europe

Ticket to Ride Marklin


*Card Games*

Feed the Kitty

Munchkin 2 Unnatural Axe

Munchkin 3 Clerical Errors

Munchkin 7 More Good Cards

Munchkin Booty 2 Jump the Shark

Munchkin D10 Dice Set

Munchkin Fu



Settlers of Catan Artisans & Benefactors           


 Zombie Fluxx


*CCG/TCG & Accessories*

     Assorted Sleeves and Deck Protectors

    Assorted Ultra-Pro Top Loaders


*Dice Games and Accessories*


    Pass the Pigs


*Miniatures & Accessories*

40K Eldar Farseer

40K Tau Pathfinders    

Assorted Citadel Paints and Brushes

Assorted Translucent 12mm Dice Bricks

Assorted Translucent 16mm Dice Bricks

D&D Dangerous Delves Boosters

    D&D Legendary Evils Boosters

    D&D Heroes Martial 3 Booster

    D&D Heroes Primal 1 Booster

Heroscape Master Set


*Roleplay & Accessories*

    D&D Barbarian Power Cards

    D&D Forgotten Realms Campaign Seting

    D&D Martial Power

D&D Monster Manual II

D&D Player's Handbook

GM Basic Flip Mat