Tuesday, March 22, 2011

D&D Gamma World Encounters 3/29/11

Join us for a quick introduction to the Gamma World universe, also known as the post-apocalyptic wasteland of good ol' Earth. After the 'Big Mistake' at the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland, the fabric of our world was scrambled. When reality stabilized an instant later, the familiar Earth of the 21st century was replaced by one formed from many different realities. The ruins of the Ancients (that's you and me) litter a landscape of radioactive deserts, mutated jungles and vast unexplored wilderness. Strange new creatures and hideous crazed mutants roam the world. After years of exposure to radiation, mutagens, and the warped fabric of a thousand realities, humans have transformed into a race of mutants who have major physical alterations and potent mental abilities.

This event will feature the following:
- Quick introduction to the world of Gamma Terra
- Covering the rules (very quickly; we will mostly learn by playing and if you've played D&D4e you already know most of it)
- Building a quick character: building a character for Gamma World takes less than 20 minutes and is a fun blend of randomizing and player customization and personalization
- Playing a short adventure set in the wild, overgrown jungle that is Research Triangle Park on Gamma Terra. What are the chances there will be vicious mutants and coveted high-tech equipment caches within the ruins of our local biotech companies? You'll just have to come and find out!

This event will be held on March 29th, at 6PM.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Commander League


The New MTG Commander League will start April 2nd and end April 30th. The League Fee is $1, and will go towards prizes. Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays starting at 4PM, are the official MTG League Nights and if you want to play on any other day, please call ahead to reserve table space. Just call up the store at 919-468-6322 and we’ll make room for you and your opponent. We will have a list posted after the first Saturday of all those signed up in the league with what they are using as their generals and contact information to reach the players and find time to play.

You can play as many games as you would like, and you only have to play one match per opponent, not best out of three. You can play these games as either 1 on 1, or against multiple opponents. There is no limit to the games you can play in a week or per opponent, but only the first 24 games will count. League Results slips will be filled with all players’ names and signatures, time and date played. League slips that are not filled out completely will not count towards your results. When a player is eliminated, he/she gets credit for 1 loss + 1 win for each player already eliminated. For example, the first player to be eliminated gets credit for a loss in 1 game. The next gets credit for 2 games (1 loss, 1 win), the third gets credit for 3 games (1 loss, 2 wins), etc. If 2 or more players are eliminated at the same time, it is handled in the same way. For example, the first player to be eliminated gets credit for a loss in 1 game. If the next 2 players are eliminated simultaneously, they both get credit for 2 games (1 loss, 1 win). The next player to be eliminated would get credit for 4 games (1 loss, 3 wins). The last player still in the game gets credit for 1 win for each player eliminated. For example, in a 5-player game, the last player would get 4 wins.

Deck Construction Rules:

Players must choose a legendary creature as the "General" for their deck. Players may choose any legendary creature as their general, although some choices may be met with disapproval by other players.

The following cards may not be used as a General: Rofellos

League Rule: A Commander "League" consists of a regular group of players who frequently play together using the same decks. No two players in a league game may have the same General. Within a given league, Generals are allocated first-come, first-serve and are preserved between meetings/games. No player may have, in his or her deck, the General of any other player in the game; it should be replaced with some other card before the game begins.

The General's mana cost limits what coloured mana symbols may appear on cards in the deck: if a coloured mana symbol is not present in the General's mana cost, the deck may not contain any cards using that mana symbol. Lands with a basic land type (basic lands, Shock lands, Dual lands, Shadowmoor CIPT-basics, etc) contain the corresponding mana symbol(s) as per CR 212.6g.

Example: If you were play Phelddagrif (Casting cost 1UWG) as your General, your deck may not contain any red or black cards; no card in such a deck may contain red or black mana symbols or hybrid mana symbols ( Talisman of Dominance, Life//Death and Boros Guildmage are not allowed. Degavolver is doubly bad).

A deck may not generate mana outside it's colours; anything which would generate mana of an illegal colour generates colourless mana instead.

A Commander deck must contain exactly 100 cards, including the General.

With the exception of basic lands, no two cards in the deck may have the same english name.

Legal Sets:

  • All Vintage legal sets

Banned List:

· Ancestral Recall

Banned General List:

Store Banned cards:

· Sol Ring (suggested that it be allowed if all players in game agree to it)

· Life from the Loam

· Sensei’s Divining Top (suggested that it be allowed if all players in game agree to alternate use idea): Players with Top in play must activate its ability and rearrange the top 3 cards as early as they are able to, if they intend to do so. If the board changes or their deck becomes shuffled, they may rearrange the cards again for free.

Play rules:

Players begin the game with 40 life.

Generals are announced and removed from the game before shuffling at the start of the game.

Being a General is not a characteristic it is a property of the card. As such, "Generalness" cannot be copied or overwritten by continuous effects, and does not change with control of the card.

Examples: A Body Double copying a General in a graveyard is not a General. A General which is affected by Cytoshape, or is face down, is still a General.

The first time a player takes a mulligan, they draw 7 cards (instead of 6). The second mulligan is to 6, and so forth.

If a player suffers 21 points of combat damage from a single General, they lose. This is an additional state based effect, similar to poison counters, but separate and specific to each General. This damage cannot be healed or undone, even if the creature is removed from play temporarily. Damage done by a creature under someone else's control is still counted towards the 21 point limit for that creature and defender.

While a General is removed from the game, it may be played. As an additional cost to play your General this way, you must pay {2} for each previous time you have played it this way.

If a General would be put into a graveyard or exile from anywhere, its owner may choose to move it to the command zone instead.

· This is a replacement effect; the creature never goes to the graveyard and will not trigger such abilities.

· Generals will move to the library or hand as normal; only transitions to Exile or the Graveyard may be replaced.

Prize Support

The Prize support will consist of promos provided by Wizards, with numbers of promos going down by ranking in the league!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011



Registration Now Through April 5th

Always been interested in starting up a miniatures game, but never had the time or the money to start up an army? Are you a veteran player who has been eyeing a new army, but didn’t think you should abandon your guns without knowing more? Well then...we’re here to help. The theme for our next league is “Slow Grow”, where players are all encouraged to start a brand spanking new army, and we’ll be doing everything we can to make that leap a little less scary.

If you sign up for the league, you will choose the army that you will use for the whole league

All league specific army orders have to be turned in by Wednesday so that items will arrive in time for Monday league night

· All products purchased on league day or for the league specifically will be discounted 30% suggested retail for LEAGUE MEMBERS ONLY. No restrictions so long as it is GW supplied (paints, glues, etc.) Direct Sales are excluded, though they will be subject to a 15% discount.

· For the first time, this will be a universal league, i.e. both 40k and Fantasy will be included under the same umbrella. Players are welcome to enter either or both sections.

· League play will be escalation format, with a maximum of 2 recordable games each week. We will start at 500 and increase every two weeks by 250 points.

· Monday will always be “Hobby Day”. You can always play games on these days, but the focus will be building the new items for your army.

· Because of the high need for players to come in and construct armies, we will be adding Tuesday as a secondary league day.

· For the first day, players will be purchasing a “starting package” unique to each army and the corresponding Army Book. The starting package DOES NOT represent what must be used at the beginning; it is just a jumping off point for players to then develop their own unique armies. After that, players are free to purchase whatever miniatures suit them.

· There will be a spot behind the store designated for primer spray painting so that players can do all the work they need to here at the store.

· If players want to play an army that gets updated during the course of the league, i.e. Tomb Kings or Daemonhunters, they will be required to purchase the new army book so that all rules are up to date.

· Players that do not want to start a new army can still take part in the league, but they will not have access to the same prize support pool or the “league discount”. However, as long as they still play the 2 games every week against a “Slow Grow” player, they will be eligible to win the secondary prize support.

· As always, there will be a Sportsmanship award, given out at the end of the league. Players will need to record the sportsmanship score of each of their opponents after each game.

· The Army lists are completely open and do not need to be handed in. The players must have a written copy of the list on them when they play the game, in case there are discrepancies.

· Call ahead to reserve a gaming table for yourself and your opponent to guarantee your space. Monday nights will be the official league night, which guarantees the most room for 40K players to schedule your games. Games can be played during the weekdays but cannot start any later then 7pm. All games will last 6 turns unless TIME is called. Sunday games should be scheduled in two shifts, 12-3pm & 3-6pm

· All League games must be played in the store.

· If you can’t attend a scheduled game, you must notify your opponent 3 hours in advance to avoid default. If you don't your opponent gets an automatic win. A league contact sheet will be posted and sent out to our mailing list.

· Models must at least be primed; all units must be represented by an appropriate model/s. If there is something in your army that is not WYSIWYG, you must inform your opponent.

· For the players who have purchased a lord for fantasy, if you army cannot support a lord at 500 points, we suggest using the model as a hero until the points increase, this way you get use of your model, but are not hindered by having a single until which costs so many points in a low point army. Furthermore, if you purchased a model which is no longer in the starter army list, we will find a way to make it work for the point requirements.

Purchase 1 Battleforce/Battalion & HQ



The following are minimal requirements for an army (all 500 points not included in all armies)

(Points listed are the minimal points per mo

Space Marines

1 x Commander (100 points) 1 x Rhino (35 points) 2 x Tactical Squad (106 points per squad of 6) 347 points total

Dark Eldar

Select one HQ. For each HQ there are specific elites you can take as troops. The starting list is one HQ, the corresponding troop choice, and either wyches or raiders.


1 x Farseer (50), 1 x Wave Serpent, 2 x Dire Avengers


1 x Commander (50-75 points), 1 x Devilfish (80 points), 2 x Fire Warriors (120 points each of 12) 370 points total

Chaos Space Marines

1 x Lord (90 points), 1 x Rhino (35 points), 2 x Chaos Marines (150 points per squad of 10) 425 points total


1 x Ork Warboss (60 points), 1 x Ork Trukk (35 points), 2 x Ork Boyz (60 points per squad of 10) 215 points total

Imperial Guard

1 x Lord Commissar (70 points), 1 x Chimera (55 points), 2x Infantry Platoon (130 points each) 385 points total


Tyranid Prime (80 points), Genestlears (160 per squad of 10), Termagaunts (60 per squad of 10) 300 points total


1 x Necron Lord (100 points), 2 x Necron Warriors (198 points per squad of 11) 496 points total

Grey Knights - 340

1 x Brotherhood Champion (100 points), 1 x Rhino (40) , 2 x Strike Squad (100 points per squad of 10) 340 points total

Daemons 40K

1 Hearld of Khorne (70) , 2x Bloodletters (160 per squad of 10)


1-2 Heroes ((85 point minimum), 20 Gors (140 points), 10 Ungors (50 points), 10 Bestigors (120 points) 410+ Heroes


1-2 Heroes (50 point minimum), 1x Knights of the Realm (192 points per 8), 2x Men-at-Arms (80 points per 16) 352 points

Dark Elves

1-2 Heroes (80 point minimum), 1 xCold One Chariot (100 points), 2x Warriors (96 points per 16) 292 points+ Heroes

Daemons WH

1-2 Heros (81 minimum), 2x Bloodletters (120 per squad of 10), 240 points + Heroes total


1-2 Heroes (50 point minimum), 1 xThunderers (160 points per 16), 2 x Warriors (80 points per 10) 320 points + Heroes

High Elves

1-2 Heroes, 1 x High Elf Chariot, 2 x High Elf Spearmen


1-2 Heroes, 1 x Saurus Cavalry, 2 x Saurus Warriors

Ogre Kingdoms

1-2 Heroes (130 minimum), 2 x Ogre Bulls (105 per squad of 3), 210 points+ Heroes

Orcs & Goblins

1-2 Heroes (35 point minimum), 1 x Orc Boar Chariot (85 points), 2 x Orc Boyz (96 points per 16) 277 points+ Heroes


1-2 Heroes (15 point minimum), 1 x Rat Ogres (88 points), 2 x Clanrats (80 points per 20) 248 points+ Heroes

The Empire

1-2 Heroes (50 point minimum), 1x Knightly Order (138 per 6), 2x Halberdiers (50 points per 10) 238 points+ Heroes

Tomb Kings

Liche Priest (115 points), 1x Chariot (40 points), 2 x Skeleton Warriors (128 per 16) 411 points

Vampire Counts

1-2 Heroes (55 points minimum), 1x Corpse Cart (75 points), 2x Skeleton Warriors (80 points per 10) 235 points+Heroes

Warriors of Chaos (505 points is legal for the first week)

1-2 Heroes, (85 point minimum) 1 x Chariot (120) points, 2 x Warriors (150 points per 10) 420+ Heroes

Wood Elves

1-2 Heroes (65, 1 x Glade Riders (144 per 6), 2 x Glade Guard (120 per 10) 384 points + Heroes

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

WoW TCG Sealed Realm Qualifier

Players will compete in a Swiss tournament. This will be best two-of-three game matches and sixty minute rounds. Players will use 6 booster packs of Worldbreaker for deck construction.

All Fun & Games
958 US Highway 64 W
...Apex, NC 27523
Website: http://www.allfunngames.com/
Phone: (919) 468-6322

Date and Time: Saturday, March 26 - Registration starts at Noon, seatings will be printed at 1pm
Cost: $30
Format: Sealed Pack
* Top Prize - Freezing Band Foil Card
* Top 4 - Totemic Recovery Foil Card
* Top 8 - Priest Deckboxes (+ 2 given out as door prizes)
* Booster Packs based on final standings.
* Participation Card - Wavestorm Totem Foil Card (First 16 players)

Qualifying For the Realm Championship
Players earn qualification points towards a Realm Championship invite based on their standings.
* 1st: 10 points
* 2nd: 10 points
* 3rd-4th: 6 points
* 5th-8th: 4 points
* 9th+: 3 points

Realm Championship events will be two day events, held globally on April 16th and 17th. Players that earn at least 10 Realm Points can attend any Realm Championship event. Players may only attend one Realm Championship event during Season 6.

More info about the event may be found here:

More info about the store may be found here: